Why does TCP need three handshakes?
The TCP three handshake protocol is designed to reliably establish a connection in an unreliable Internet environment, and the three handshakes ensure that both ends are capable of sending and receiving. So why three instead of two or four handshakes?
AI-Assisted R&D Trends for 2024: From R&D Digitization to AI + Dev Tools 2.0, More Than Copilot
In the last year, there have been a number of companies that have landed generative AI on their toolchains, combining our analysis of these companies with recent "new technology" trends in China, such as the initial rise of native apps in Yu Hongmeng. From these cases and trends, we also see some new possible directions.
Linux System Security Hardening with SELinux - A Comprehensive Guide
In this comprehensive guide, we will take an in-depth look at the concepts, installation, configuration, and management of SELinux. We will explore how SELinux operates, its main features, and the steps to take to harden your Linux system security with SELinux. By the end, you will have a solid understanding of how to utilize SELinux to strengthen the security of your Linux system.
Astro - The Best Web Framework for 2023
Astro has become a powerful web framework that provides developers with a versatile solution for building efficient, high-performance websites. It is undoubtedly the best web framework of 2023. In this fast-paced digital age, embrace Astro and realize its potential to create extraordinary web experiences that engage users.
Why Windows 11 is Struggling to Replace Windows 10
Despite being on the market for two years, Windows 11 has failed to gain the same market share as its predecessor. This article takes a closer look at the reasons why Windows 11 has struggled to replace Windows 10, including hardware requirements, the lack of a compelling reason to upgrade, and the potential rise of alternative operating systems such as Linux.
Asynchronous Programming in Go - Harnessing the Power of "Future" and "Promise"
In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive into the asynchronous programming world of the Go language, with a special focus on the use of Futures and Promises.
The Rise of Chinese Lingerie Brands in Manhattan, New York City
Chinese lingerie brands are coming into their own, interpreting femininity, individuality and sexuality in a new light. Let's explore the rise of Chinese lingerie brands in Manhattan and delve into the stories behind these innovative and empowering brands.
How to Ensure Stable Service Call Availability in Java Projects
In Java projects, service calls between different components are very common, and there are some problems that may cause the service to be unavailable. This article discusses some common problems and their solutions.
Let's Talk about Java Threads and CPU Scheduling!
Understanding the concepts of Java threads and thread scheduling is critical to developing efficient concurrent applications.
You Are Your Greatest Investment-Unlocking Your Potential for Success
Self-investment is a process of personal growth and enhancement. It is more than the traditional understanding of self-care and continuous learning; it is a holistic, multidimensional investment. It includes enhancing one's knowledge, skills, and experiences, as well as personal qualities and values. Through self-investment, we can better meet life's challenges and realize our goals and dreams.
The Reality of Full-Time Stock Trading-A Cautionary Tale
In today's fast-paced, volatile stock market, many people are drawn to the lure of making a quick and lucrative profit. This story reveals the challenges, emotional toll and harsh reality of full-time stock trading.
How to Avoid Resource Leaks in Java
In this article, we will explore common situations that can lead to resource leaks and provide solutions to prevent them. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your Java code is efficient, reliable, and free of resource leaks.